When it comes to looking after your commercial laundry machines then you really do need to invest in the best possible support service for them, as it is an area that there is no point in skimping on. In particular when you take into account the cost of every lost hour of laundry processing time in the event that one of your major machines breaks down and brings the whole laundry process crashing to a halt. If the wrong laundry machine breaks down you could be faced with your entire workforce being paid to stand around and do nothing until the repair is completed.

It is therefore essential that you select a company to carry out your commercial laundry repairs that arrives as fast as possible, however arriving as fast as possible is only half the story. It is essential that you choose a commercial laundry repair service that has the highest percentage of first time fixes as is possible, indeed anything over 90% should be classed as very good and it is worthwhile seeking out a supplier that has a first time fix ratio of at least this percentage. E.g. it is no good if the supplier turns up in half an hour, but then cannot get the parts to fix it for five days.
Accordingly it is a good idea to select a repair service company that carries a wide range of spares for a wide range of manufacturers laundry machines, in order to increase your chances of the commercial laundry repair service being able to carry out a first time fix in the event of a fault on your machine.
Then there is the quality of the service engineers that come to your premises to carry out the repairs, and you should ensure that the company you choose has staff that have lots of previous repair experience in this field, and that they are fully qualified in all relevant areas such as electrics and gas. If they are, in general, this will mean that they can then carry out a repair far faster than if they are not sufficiently qualified and then subsequently have to call out another technician just to fix a gas problem as an example. So it pays to use a commercial laundry repair service company that supplies field service technicians that are fully qualified in all aspects of the repair work that they are likely to have to undertake, as well as holding a wide range of spare parts.
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